Today’s Moment of “Tell ‘Em Like it is” III

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Assalamu Alaikum,

Going crazy and I thought I’ll procrastinate by typing up more gen chem quoted moments:

(Learning about how you can create an ‘isolated’ system in water for thermodynamic chemical reactions)

Professor: “We eliminated the universe in one swoop!”

Professor: “99.99999 percent chance….”

Professor: You don’t want to bet your life insurance for more than two sig figs.

Student: What is that equation called? (Because my professor likes to say equations after people)

Professor: It is called the formula that related delta G to electric chemical potential.

Professor: Today we’ll talk about nuclear chemistry. There is no such thing as nuclear chemistry.


It is nuclear physics.

Professor: Reduction is a bad word here….

Professor: Hund’s rule says unpaired to the max.

(About my test)

Professor: Who knows? Faith786 may get a 91% instead of a 95.

Faith786: (to my professor leaving) have a good evening fighting crime and saving the world!

Professor: (stops and says comically) Who would want to do that?

(About ligands)

Professor: biologists call it ‘lie-gands’. Chemists call them ‘li-gands’.

Professor: Quadruple Phalocyanines. Doesn’t that sound fascinating?

Professor: You can write all the laws governing chemistry on the back of an envelope.

Faith786: Does chemistry ever scare you?

Professor: Yes. If you study anything enough, it will scare you.

Published in: on April 24, 2010 at 12:32 pm  Comments (1)  

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  1. “(pause)

    It is nuclear physics.”

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